Saturday, November 12, 2005

Reading of the Month

Just wanted to share what I'm reading this week. So I have 2 audio books:
[1] The World Is Flat (By Thomas Friedman)
[2] Joy of thinking (by Edward B. Burger, Michael Starbird)
And an e-book: [3] "46 Ideas to make your business a Booming Success"

You might be wondering how do I do it, so it is very simple. I plan each of the reading the same as of planning to take a course. If you have been to the university you'll know how it works, each hour you have a different lecture, your brain adjust itself to the new setup, so here is what I'm doing: During the day I switch between [2] and [3] on planned hours, and hearing [1] during my workout at the GYM and at night.
So, by the end of this week, I am planning to write here my impressions of these books.

Good night, going to enjoy some audio from [1]


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